About our Company

Boy holding a red apple

Who We Are . . . . .

Since 1997 MOSAIC has co-ordinated the staffing of emergency placements in kindergartens and primary schools in North East Victoria. We’ve made employment more flexible and convenient for teachers and time and cost effective for schools. Principals and their top staff shouldn’t have to waste time on the phone finding teachers. MOSAIC is better equipped to find teachers and can identify very quickly who’s available for the job. Not only that, but we match teacher/school preferences, to select the best candidate while allowing for issues such as continuity.

MOSAIC allows principals to use their time and money more effectively within the school to greater benefit for students and the school community. All it takes is one call to MOSAIC. For teachers it’s all about choice. They design their work program to suit their circumstances without fear of being relegated to the bottom of a list for being too choosy, difficult, or having limited availability.

Colour Map of Victoria

Our Location - What areas we cover . . . . .

Our offices are located in Wangaratta, Australia. We service country schools in North East Victoria, three hours north of Melbourne. The orange part of the map represents North East Victoria and the area we cover is within this region. We would also welcome expressions of interest from schools beyond our current area.